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Easy to Manage Your All Data by This App!

One of the unique extensions of school management software is the web portal. It is an excellent tool that enables school teachers, administrators, parents and students to come together and share information. The details that school staff or administration feels like feeding on the portal would reflect immediately. This may include vital information like attendance records, exam results, important announcements, timetables, holiday information or other details. Using this online application, the educational institutes can increase direct parent interaction. Also, they can share school news and events with photo upload.
All in all, it is a wonderful application to move towards a better future and one should make use of it at every cost.
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Bug free responsive app with high performence speed!

Student Alert has been introduced with the prime motto of helping management with this huge responsibility. The software fosters you in various tasks including Student Data Entry, General Registeration, Examination Marks Entry, Attendance, Fee Processing, Employee Payroll and Leave Management, sending SMS notifications and more.
With school management software by your side, you get improved accountability, increased revenue and quicker, automated receipting & inventory control.
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