Fee Management

Fees Management is a very tedious job till date and any organization need to take a lot of care while taking fees, as maintaining financial records is very important task in any institute. A proper accounting is also needed at the end of every financial year. Fees management is very useful to simplify whole fees processing system both for students and administrators. Student Alert helps you out a lot in this factor with ease of work. An institute takes different types of fees (Fee Heads) e.g. Tuition Fees, Campus Development Fees, Activity Fees etc... Along with the fees, institute takes some sort of Deposit Amount from the student as a security deposit which at the end of the study refunded. In the county like India, there are certain criteria and fee structure for Specific Students e.g. Tuition Fees are Zero (0) for female. To manage this scenario institute need well structured fees management. Fees Management Module of Student Alert is completely managed on the base of the fee scheme (Fee Taking Policy) prepared by authenticate user/admin. So clerical staff need not to remember each and every head and amount for the student. Student Alert will identify student and same fees will be reflected on the screen. The system will identify the student, his current status, his fees history and on the basis of the Fee History records it will calculate the payable amount automatically. Hence the decision making at clerical end is eliminated. Organization need not to worry about old records too. Any kind of old record which is inserted in the system can be generated through reports at any time in future. Institution can get the fees amount ONLINE via Payment Gateway. Through the available reports Administration can get a bigger picture of the organization and judge the income. In this way, the decision making need to reform will become more faster.
  • Student Daily Fee Collection.
  • Head Wise Fee Report.
  • Pending Fee Report.
  • Duplicate Fee Receipts generated.
  • Total Fees Collected Report.
  • Head wise Summary Report.
  • Program/Course wise Head Summary Report.
  • Fee register.

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